Community and Preventive dentistry is a basic dental science that is a fundamental part of dental education. It is a specialized branch of dentistry which deals with the delivery of comprehensive dental and oral health care to the masses so as to improve the total dental and oral health of the community as a whole. Its scope covers all the preventive, diagnostic, social, and curative dental and oral health services involving the population in a professional manner, for the delivery of services regarding prevention, education and dental care. This field of dentistry provides essential health knowledge to an individual, group of people regarding prevention of oral/dental diseases and awareness of oral hygiene.
The department of Community dentistry at SZABMU, School of dentistry aims at developing professional workforce dedicated to patient care, evidence-based approaches and inter professional dialogue. It aims to promote oral health at an individual and community level through knowledge and education, to improve overall oral health indicators in the targeted population.
The teaching hours for various disciplines of the subject matter are in accordance with the recommendations of Pakistan Medical Commission (formerly, Pakistan Medical and Dental Council). It comprises of well-trained and dedicated faculty, fully equipped lab, and an up to date departmental library.
At the end the course the students will be able to apply basic sciences knowledge regarding etiology, diagnosis and management of the prevention, promotion and treatment of all the oral conditions at the individual and community level.
To be an internationally renowned department of higher learning in research, innovation, publication and teaching in the prevention of oral diseases & the promotion of oral health and become a center of excellence in Community and preventive dentistry.
To producing high standards Community dentistry professionals who are concerned about population wellbeing and adopt a holistic approach in patient management. To eliminate disparities in oral health status and access to oral health care services, promote optimal oral health, and prevent disease through our research, teaching, and service.
Name | Designation | Qualification | |
Dr. Farooq Ahmad Chaudhary | Assistant Professor Head of Department |
BDS, MPH, MDPH (Malaysia), PhD (Malaysia) | [email protected] |