Department Of Prosthodontics


The Department of Prosthodontics is basically established to provide education and clinical training to students of BDS Programs, Postgraduate trainees, Dental House Officers and students of Dental Technology. These educational and training facilities availed by local students will save a substantial amount of money that would have been otherwise spent on the educational and training of students elsewhere. It is to mention that the kind of educational and training facilities we provide in the Department of Prosthodontics are very expensive to pursue in institutions abroad.

Clinical & Laboratory Facilities

  1. The Department is equipped with 21 dental chairs.
  2. Technical laboratories are facilitating the performance of clinical procedures and fabrication of cast, ceramic and acrylic Prosthodontic appliances for patients.
  3. The activities of the Department of Prosthodontics can broadly grouped as “Patients’ Care” and “Educational, Research & Developmental” activities.


The vision of the department in years to come is to continue serving the dental profession and the community by providing the undergraduate and the graduate candidates with the knowledge, techniques, skills and treatment concepts.


The mission of the Prosthodontics Department at SZABMU is to achieve academic excellence and professionalism in the art and science of prosthetic dentistry through comprehensive educational programs, clinical training, research projects, in addition to rendering comprehensive prosthodontic treatment.

To advance national health through teaching, research and services, to foster innovations, to build and bring about fresh & creative solutions that address the health needs of Pakistan.


We aspire to reach the following goals:  

  1. To enable the students to demonstrate Professional behavior and critical thinking based on sound scientific foundation and lifelong learning.
  2. To achieve Competence at the basic theoretical, clinical and laboratory skills leading to competence at diagnosis and treatment of the comprehensive prosthodontic needs of patients.
  3. To gain Competence to provide high quality patient service and a wide spectrum of dental care by our undergraduate and graduate students, and by our faculty staff.
  4. Graduates to be more familiar with Oral implantology theoretically and clinically through participation in diagnosis, treatment planning, assisting in surgical care as clinicians, educators and researchers.
  5. To provide continuing education in Prosthodontics to National & International graduates.
  6. To come up with research publications in high impact factor journals.


Name Designation Qualification Email
Prof. Dr. Bilal Ahmed Professor
Head of Department
FCPS, BDS, CMT (UHS) [email protected]